May 2013 Class Schedule

May 2013
Making My Memories
Class Schedule
107 Farmview Way
Georgetown, KY 40324 (920) 948-7988

May 9th - 6:00p to 8:00p 10 for $10 card class
May 16th - 6:00p to 8:00p April Showers 2
pg Layout $15
May 22nd - 6:00p to 8:00p Stampscapes
Stamping $20
May 29th - 6:00p to 8:00p Masculine Cards $15

April 19, 2013

Upcoming May Classes

I'm back!  As promised I wanted to show you some of the things we will be doing in our upcoming classes.  So here goes...
This is the layout that we will be doing on May 16th.  If you'd like to participate please RSVP as soon as you can to make sure room is available.
This is almost embarrassing.  No matter what I do this picture will NOT turn around - only on blogger.  If I look at it in my photo editor it is ok.  So, embarrassed and all this is my Stampscapes class that will be on May 22nd.  The picture dimensions are 11" x 36" and this is all done with different rubber stamps.

If you will take a peek at Joani's blog for pictures of the Masculine card class that will be held on May 29th - perfect timing for Father's Day that is a few short weeks after.  Have a nice evening!

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1 comment:

  1. Jan, that new basement is soooooo awesome! I look forward to many memory making events there!


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